Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mount St. Piper

Oh, Daddy...

I know I just wrote yesterday, but I have to tell you a story that just can't wait.

Mama and I were having a very nice afternoon today. It's been sunny and warm, and I feel much better than I did yesterday. We settled in for my lunch, and Mama opened up a new book. I was having a great time, getting some good food, Mama was enjoying her story. Totally normal lunchtime. I stopped eating sooner than normal, and I tried to tell Mama that I felt funny, but all that I could say was “Uhn!” Mama peeked down at me. “You okay, sweet pea?” she asked. And then it happened. I exploded. No, I erupted. Mama says there was a rumble from my bum that she felt clear down to her toes, and then my diaper overflowed. It came out the front, the back, and the legs. Daddy, there was molten-lava-poo everywhere. In three seconds flat, the entire lower half of my onesie went from white to dandelion yellow. Mama's eyes got really big. “Wow,” she said, “that was...I don't know what that was.” Then she stood up, and saw that I got her pants and her shirt, too. We were a huge mess! I don't know if it was from the vaccines, or what, but it was all over the place.

But that's not the best part of the story, Daddy. The best part is that we were in the bookstore.

Mama kept her cool, like always. She wrapped me up in a blanket and whispered “I sure hope they have a changing table here!” As she picked up our stuff and turned to leave our table, a nice grandma lady saw me and said “What a sweet little...oh my!! Well, they do that sometimes, don't they?” Mama just smiled and crinkled her nose. “Off to find the ladies room!”

We cleaned up pretty well. I had an extra outfit in my bag, but my blanket was a goner. Mama wiped her clothes off as best she could, and said it was probably time for us to leave, anyway. We bought two books (I think one's for you) and returned home. I was sad to leave the bookstore. I really like that place.

That's about it for now, Daddy. I hope you have a good time at work. Just remember that even if you have a poopy day, it's probably better than getting pooped on in a bookstore.

Love, Piper

P.S. - I think I'm ready for the next size of diaper.


  1. Oh My Word! Piper tell Mama that Auntie Jennifer says she needs to keep a spare skirt in your diaper bag for the next bookstore outting. ;)

  2. Hahaha! I love it! Good job Piper! I can't wait to see your smile!
